Ever since the 1940s, the United States has held various military bases in the country of Japan. Sometimes, instead of taking on traditional challenge coin designs, military members based out in the country of Japan have been known to draw inspiration from traditional Japanese imagery. US DOD Coins has had an amazing time creating projects for clients that wanted to pay homage to the culture of the countries they were stationed in so we're pleased to present...
The 101st airborne division are some high-flying challenge coin designers! This clean-cut of a coin is designed after the Japanese Shogun, sporting twin katanas and the Japanese “Torii" symbol, which aptly marks the passing from the mundane to the sacred.
These coins made for the US Army features some amazingly Japanese symbolism and themes. This dual-plated beauty of a coin features a proud-looking 3D’d samurai with the Japanese kanji of “Samurai” and “Warrior” on the left and right respectively. This US Army challenge coin slashes other coins down with its clever and slick design!
"No Honor without sacrifice, Sir!” This “sharp” challenge coin designed after the stylings of Japan’s famous samurai is a marvel to hold in a hand! Much like the different styles of swordplay that the ancient samurai of feudal Japan incorporated into their overall style, the WOCS classes always draw students from different ranks, positions, and roles of the United States Army.
This sleek and elegant coin features high polish silver plating as well and sports the American flag on the backside of the coin. The level of style and detail that’s placed on the design of the coin is worthy of not only the USS Benfold but the entire US Navy. This coin’s Japanese and American influences in its design make a spectacular fusion.